We have always been a leading provider of training in Philosophy for Children (P4C) in the UK, but we are now partnering organisations in four continents to promote our unique approach to teaching and learning: ‘P4C Plus’.
The ‘Plus’ consists of two powerful frameworks that enable the skills and dispositions developed in P4C, by both teachers and learners, to be transferred into any subject and at any level.
The main framework is PHILOSOPHICAL TEACHING-AND-LEARNING (PTL). Its six interwoven strands derive from the traditions of philosophy and P4C, but draw new power from six other pedagogical approaches developed in the last half-century.
Our other original framework, THINKING MOVES A – Z, helps develop the particular skills and dispositions of metacognition and self-regulation. Comprehensive, but simple to understand, remember and apply – ‘Better than Bloom’ – this scheme is receiving standout reviews by teachers from Early Years to High School.
DialogueWorks exists to enrich and transform education, and ultimately society, through the practice of P4C (Philosophy for Children and Communities), enhanced by our two innovative and powerful frameworks: Philosophical Teaching-and-Learning (PTL) and Thinking Moves A – Z: Metacognition Made Simple (TM).
Schools, colleges and school networks in the UK and internationally are increasingly using our P4C ‘Plus’ approach as an integrating pedagogy across the curriculum, incorporating the best elements of existing instructional and experiential approaches.
Our strategies and techniques support the development of more reflective and skilful teachers and learners, who listen carefully and critically to each other, and form better judgments, both in and out of the classroom.
People who think in this philosophical way about their lives and their learning grow in a sense of agency – standing up more confidently for what they care for and value, whilst becoming more creative and collaborative members of their communities.
Our dialogic training pathways help schools nurture well-thinking, well-being, well-acting and well-achieving students. Ultimately, all young people, teachers, parents and citizens influenced by our work will appreciate that dialogue ‘works’, empowering them to lead better lives.