Thinking Moves A – Z is a vocabulary of 26 types of thinking. The Moves are understandable, comprehensive and memorable. They make metacognition simple for teachers and learners, bringing big benefits in school and everyday life. Watch this video to learn more…
Our thinking ability is what makes us distinctively human. Yet we have no generally accepted approach to teaching thinking – and no common vocabulary to describe different ways of thinking. This, when you think about it, is extraordinary. Imagine trying to teach or learn maths if we did not have commonly accepted terms such as add, subtract, multiply and divide.
Thinking Moves A – Z provides a vocabulary for thinking. The moves themselves are not new – we all use them in our learning and our life every day. But now we have a way of talking about how we think, and that gives us a means to work on improving the effectiveness of our thinking.
Please follow this link to order a copy of the new Thinking Moves A – Z book
Thinking Moves training course overview
This link will take you to the dedicated Thinking Moves website
Thinking Moves A – Z is a structured approach to thinking about thinking – a framework for metacognition. In this video, Roger Sutcliffe explains how it works.
Students at Sandringham Primary, Newham, London could remember all 26 Thinking Moves in their very first session with facilitator, Paul Kell
Year 3 students at Bunscoill Rhumsaa in the Isle of Man used Thinking Moves to plan speeches about their favourite predator.
Research by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has shown that effective strategies for metacognition and self-regulation:
Thinking Moves A – Z supports every step of the EEF’s recommended framework for metacognition and self-regulated learning.
Our Foundation course on Thinking Moves A – Z, helps teachers:
The training is available in various configurations:
We offer a range of supporting resources to help you build Thinking Moves into your teaching and learning:
Thinking Moves A – Z is a DialogueWorks’ copyright © 2024